Reiki is a type of energy therapy in which "life energy" is channeled towards the patient through the laying on of hands and positive intention as a goal to restore physical, mental and spiritual balance, thus helping many health conditions.
It does not treat conditions on their own, but it can be used to complement the traditional treatment you may receive, such as pain, stress, depression, anxiety, and encourage relaxation.
Reiki for animals Animale are natural healers and sometimes pick up on their owner's problems in an attempt to heal them, due to the close bond between the two. The energy is shared, as well as the energetic imbalances due to the bond that unites them. For optimal healing, it is essential that the person in charge or owner also follows a Reiki treatment.
Many patterns of behavior are caused by stress. Reiki has a calming effect on the animal and can help restore confidence in animals that have learned to associate contact with being hurt.
It can help with stomach upsets, anxiety, insomnia, stress, behavioral problems and improves quality of life in chronic diseases.
Energy Cleaning of Homes The house is a space where we want to feel comfortable and at ease, behind this work, there is a single objective ; that of achieving healthier spaces from an energetic point of view, so that the place we inhabit is a bearer of health and